Tools that help you build better.

We're building solutions that drive efficient software development.

Tools that both you and your developers will love.

We're helping indie hackers, startups, and enterprises build faster than ever. That means providing you and your team with everything you need to get started in minutes and get back to what you love: building.

Kore Cache

Distributed cache built to scale.

Caching data can dramatically improve application performance. Kore Cache is easy to adopt and you can consume Kore Cache from any number of applications.

Fully managed

Never manage a server.

Our tools and services are fully managed. That means you don't have to create, patch, or manage servers to use Kore Tools... Ever!

By builders, for builders

Ease of use is the name of the game.

Kore Tools' vision is dominated by providing tools and services that are super powerful, but also super easy to use. We optimize for usability.

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It's time to invest in tools that help you build faster than ever!

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Kore Cache

Scalable distributed cache.

Fixed monthly or annual subscription, no surprises.



Unlimited use free trial


  • 1 bucket
  • 100 active keys
  • 200 SETs/hour
  • 1,000 GETs/hour
  • 2kb per key
  • 30 minute expiry
Get started


For low traffic


  • 5 buckets
  • 1k active keys
  • 2k SETs/hour
  • 10k GETs/hour
  • 4kb per key
  • 2 hour expiry
Get started


For moderate traffic


  • 50 buckets
  • 10k active keys
  • 20k SETs/hour
  • 100k GETs/hour
  • 16kb per key
  • 12 hour expiry
Get started


For scaling


  • 100 buckets
  • 20k active keys
  • 100k SETs/hour
  • 500k GETs/hour
  • 32kb per key
  • 1 day expiry
Get started


Scale and security


  • 1,000 buckets
  • 200k active keys
  • 1M SETs/hour
  • 5M GETs/hour
  • 64kb per key
  • 3 day expiry
  • Encryption, SSO, MFA, Add-Ons*
Get started

Frequently asked questions

If your question isn't answered below, please shoot us an email.

    • Where is Kore Tools hosted?

      Kore Tools utilizes AWS cloud hosting. We can offer hosting in many different AWS regions (at an additional cost), but the default hosting location is in US-WEST-2 (Oregon).

    • What is Kore Cache?

      Kore Cache is a high performance distributed cache. For most use cases, Kore Cache can be considered an alternative to Redis Cloud or other managed caching technologies. Kore Cache has many uses cases, but is intended to be used primarily as a short-term data cache mechanism for backend services. One unique design decision for Kore Cache is that we prioritize large scale concurrency (millions of connections per second) over latency.

    • What is a Bucket?

      The Bucket is a core concept within Kore Cache. Each Bucket is a unique container which can store any number of key/value pairs. The Bucket guarantees uniqueness for the key values, and as a result a key may exist in more than one bucket at a time. In many use cases, a Bucket can be treated like a namespace.

    • What is a Key?

      The term "key" is usually applied to the unique identifier in the key/value pair. However, in some cases, the term "Key" is used to refer to the entirety of the key/value pair.

    • Will Kore Tools have more products?

      We plan to, yes! Our first product is Kore Cache and we'll be focusing on that in the near future. We'll provide updates as soon as we can.

    • What is an "Active Key"?

      An Active Key is any Key stored in Kore Cache which has not yet expired. The Active Keys metric tracks the total number of Active Keys in all of the Buckets in your account.

    • What is a SET/GET?

      The SET and GET operations are core concepts of Kore Cache. A SET operation is the process of creating a Key, updating an Active Key, or explicitly expiring a Key early. A GET operation is the process of attempting to retrieve a single active key. A GET attempt that results in a cache miss counts as a GET operation.

    • What is Key Expiry?

      Expiring key/value pairs is a critical component of maintaining a performant caching system. Kore Cache is only a "temporary" database. The value provided in the Pricing table represents the maximum amount of time an Active Key may exist in Kore Cache before it expires. Consumers can choose a lower expiration value on a per-Key basis if their use case requires it. While active, the Key's value pair can be updated as many times as desired (SET operations limits apply), but the expiration time cannot be extended. To extend the expiration time, you must explicitly expire the Key and create a new Key (SET operations limits apply to both expiration and creation).